0:00 Intro 12:19 Sara went to Atlanta for PrizePicks 19:36 Going to see max crosby and the raiders 22:26 twitch con 25:03 has sara ever done drugs 26:26 Brads first time getting high 28:15 Brads avatar story on mushrooms 32:18 podcast with steiny 35:39 when is the cut off for going out 36:21 the oldest sara would date 37:26 the 5 things sara needs to date someone 39:21 people watching 40:08 the oldest brad would date 43:50 Jenna ortega 45:36 selena gomez and haley bieber 46:32 how to get sara a female audience 48:04 GTA 6 51:00 minecraft stream 51:52 brad and sara played fortnite 56:09 farting infront of someone you date or dated 57:04 brad and sara streaming together 1:02:03 why brad hasn t been training 1:03:17 brad wanting to beat another addiction, streamers who do coc 1:06:18 linkin park replaced the lead singer 1:09:26 sketch s