Darling in the franxx, Kiss Of Death Fan animation ( MAD), , c. w. Moonshadow
It s finally happening After half a year this video is finally out, but it could have been out a lot sooner if I hadn t been lazy It feels like I put half of my soul into this video, since I first watched franxx 2 years ago I can t stop being a fan of it, even though many people call it a bad anime, it s number 1 for me, I think if I hadn t known it, I wouldn t be one step ahead in terms of animation now. Also one little dream of mine to do a collaboration with Moonshadow came true, seriously, this is the best time of my life at the moment, it s a pleasure to work with you, your text looks great once, I want to say thanks a lot for everything I m really excited, I hope you enjoy this video and hope you share it with your friends, good luck to everyone in your projects RUS Наконецто это свершилось Спустя полгода это видео наконецто вышло, но оно могло было выйти намного раньше если бы я не ленился Такое ощущение будто в это видео я вложил половину всей своей души, с момента как я