Funeral procession of assassinated King Alexander, attended by Britains Dule of Kent (1934)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit MARTYR KING LAID TO REST Halfmillion see funeral of heromonarch. Duke of Kent with continental Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA: CU. pan. down church. Semi view of men carrying coffin out of church. Semi view pan. of pall bearers. Semi top view of crowd and coffin. Semi top view of Boy King (Peter) out of Church and pan. to coffin on gun carriage. Gen. top view of procession. Gen. top view of cortege. Semi view of Boy King Queen Marie Notabilities. CU. pan. of (George) Duke of Kent walking beside Prince Cyril of Bulgaria. Long view towards of soldiers carrying floral tributes. Semi top view pan. from notabilities to Queen Marie and Boy King Peter. Semi CU. of Queen Marie and Boy King Peter. Gen. view of troops marching past coffin. Semi top view of coffin. Gen. view of Battalian of Chasseurs marching past coffin. Long view of a detachment