Gwens Dads SECRET MESSAGE ( PENGUIN Stacy), 1min Analysis, spiderverse, easteregg
, spiderman, miles, miguel Wanna go easy on the penguin What if I told you Gwen Stacy is that self same penguin What if we held this line up against other similar NONpenguin related lines from Across the SpiderVerse Every time a parental figure burdens their child with undue burdens of expectations, they are told to go easy on the kid. Miles tells this to his father Jeff when he needs to hear it, Peter and Gwen both this to Miguel when he needs to hear it, and now Captain Stacy is telling this to his daughter when she needs to hear it. MORE VIDEOS Gwens Opening Scene Analysis MARIO Movie (The BAD MOVIE Trend) Last of Us Worldbuilding Support the channel on Patreon: Read my comic Minor Champion Follow me on Twitter Business email: