George Gershwin, Promenade Walking The Dog (1937) I Sebastian Manz Friends
With: The Danish String Quartet (Strings), Martin Klett (Piano) Lars Olaf Schaper (Double bass) Download the music score here: Dear friends of music, we proudly present our funny version of Promenade Walking The Dog by G. Gershwin, one of his last songs before he died in 1937. This unfortunately unkown song was used in Shall we dance (1937) by Mark Sandrich with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers for a certain scene, where Mr. Astaire wants to attract attention to Mrs. Rogers by walking with dogs on the deck of a ship. Thanks to Julia Menzner and her dog Arya for supporting us at the end of the song with a really special performance Editor: Bastian Mattes Producer: Christian Müller Camera: Steffen Kayser Ca