Horses of the Great steppe
The Kazakh is a horse breed of the Kazakh people, who live mainly in Kazakhstan, but also in parts of China, Mongolia, Russia and Uzbekistan. It is used mainly as a riding horse, and is known for its hardiness and stamina. The Kazakh horse averages 144 centimetres (14. 0 12 hands; 56 12 in) for stallions and mares average 142 centimetres (14. 0 hands; 56 in). They weigh between 400 to 500 kilograms (880 to 1, 100 lb). The breed is criticized for a short stride and a jolting trot. However, they are also very hardy and able to cover long distances. The breed consists of two subtypes, the Adaev and the Dzhab or Jabe. The Dzhabe developed in the southern districts of Aktubinsk. They have a heavy head, thick, short neck, and deep chest. They have a straight back, strong legs and a wellmuscled croup. They are usually bay, dark bay, chestnut or gray. The Adaevs are more refined with lighter heads, longer necks, and welldefined withers.