Gabriel Bruce 02 Metal Soul Kyiv, Sentrum 05 06 16
The part of the full video from absolutely stunning Gabriel Bruce s performance in Kyiv (Ukraine) 05 06 16 I think, Gabriel Bruce is one the most gifted personalities in the music world today. Divine deep voice, huge energy, honesty, he preaches his own gospel in his creativity, giving himself fully to people who can hear him. . Metal Soul 05 06 16, Kyiv, Sentrum So sorry for bad quality of video, it s only old iphone, but sound is quite good :) Full setlist: 1. Sacred Heart, 2. Metal Soul, 3. Kurt Kanye, 4. Gates Of Babylon, 5. So Many Of You, 6. Freedom, 7. Come All Sufferers, 8. Car s Not Leaving (acoustic), 9. Perfect Weather (acoustic), Paralysis, On The Mount. Encore: That I Have (acoustic)