Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes In A Texas Bullrope Match , FULL MATCH, Destination X March 13, 2005
The feud between Dustin Rhodes and Raven continues and now they re looking to settle their rivalry in a Texas Bullrope Match at Destination X on March 13, 2005. agreed to Become an IMPACT WRESTLING INSIDER today with the ultimate YouTube membership: Theres two levels of membership: IMPACT INSIDERS and IMPACT ULTIMATE INSIDERS. INSIDERS get access to membersonly badges that appear next to your name in the comments sections and during exclusive livechats with your favorite impact wrestling stars. Insiders also get exclusive access to IMPACTs weekly television show each and every Thursday. ULTIMATE INSIDERS get all of that plus a whole lot more including: Monthly Impact Wrestling special events Impact payperview replays and access to the TNA and impact archive exclusive merchandise offers exclusive gifs, photos and music and a ton of brand new impact original shows. Subscribe to IMPACT Plus for access to over 4000 hours of TNA