Try Listening for 3 Minutes Open Third Eye Pineal Gland Activation Third Eye Stimulation
Open Third Eye Chakra Pineal Gland Activation is intended to guide you into a meditative experience that will help you stimulate your third eye. You may see other videos titled: third eye chakra opening, open third eye chakra, instant third eye stimulation, awaken your third eye, third eye meditation, instant third eye stimulation, activate pineal gland, pineal gland stimulation, pineal gland activation, and pineal activation. These videos are efforts to achieve the same thing but worded differently. They rarely work, at least for me. This video is my effort to achieve this goal. It works great for me personally, and I hope it does for you too. The third eye (also called the mind s eye or inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary In Dharmic spiritual traditions (Hinduism) from Nepal and India, the third eye refers to the Ajna (or brow) The third eye refers to