I Tried Your Darkest PC Fantasies
Sign up and upgrade to Grammarly Pro to level up your productivity: Grab your LTT Ridge Wallet at Seriously, don t try any of this stuff at home. Don t delete system 32, don t put thermal paste in the CPU socket. Don t spray water on your computer. Don t blast your computer with xrays for 5 hours. Just don t do it. Let us do it. Discuss on the forum: GET OUR MERCH: GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: GET A VPN: SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group. CHAPTERS 0:00 Don t try this at home 1:03 Don t put Thermal Paste here 2:40 Don t Use a Display at 30 C 5:41 Don t Put your PC in Here 6:07 Don t yank your drives 8:20 Don t Delete System32 10:24 Don t Waste Solder 10:45 Don t blow your fans 12:10 Don t Water your computer 13:17 PC post Xray blast 15:11 Outro