Ruins (1914 1918)
Ruins. Location of events unknown France or Belgium Opens w, shot of a small fountain surrounded by ruins. Pan rt on the town; most buildings flattened; just piles of rubble; a few people walk on a road cleared through the mess; incl. woman pushing a baby carriage. Pan past some large chunks of buildings big walls partially standing; piles of bricks. CU pan on part of building; walks. CU woman and 4 children stand in street; woman jiggling bouncing the baby. Then CU part of a building; w, a few pillars left in front. DS either another town or diff. part of this one not bombed soldiers ride horses through middle of street; cars, horsedrawn carriages parked; pedestrians walking about; shops busy commercial street. Pan on more ruins. 3 little girls playing in front of rubble. (These last shots are dupes. ) Bombed cathedral: w, roof gone; shot from what s left of interior; arched windows appear bright. Great shot; very dramatic looking down hall w, light coming in from open arches