SKYNET (a Terminator fan film by Chris. R. Notarile)
CHECK OUT OUR MERCH: 55 years after Judgment Day, the war is We lost. Now, the last man on earth will finally come face to face with the program that drove mankind to extinction SKYNET. A WORD FROM CHRIS It s pretty safe to say that the Terminator franchise has gotten stale. The fact that there are literally THREE, count em, THREE part 3 s, and a part 4, prequel, and none of them managed to capture the creative spark of the first two films, speaks volumes. As a life long fan, I just got tired of it all. I m tired of the pointless retcons, the paper thin excuses for when Judgment day now will take place, the endless amount of disbelief that needs to be suspended to keep roping in Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the never ending, yet continually unfulfilled promise of a new trilogy. Terminator has become about as complicated as the Halloween franchise, and that is not something to be proud of. In 2007, before Rob Zombie gave us version