House of X, Powers of X Part 6 Comic Dub
, comicdub, xmen, dawnofx, powersofx, houseofx Voice Actors Daryl Peck as Narrator Dexter Howard as Captain Mendel Twitter: Dilled Pickles as Cyclops Youtube: Josh Lee as Sabretooth and Magento Twitter: GretchenNoodle as Doctor Gregor Christopher Marchand as Wolverine Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: CCC: Summer Rose (kittyhatemachine) as Emma Frost CCC: Twitter: x. com, SummerRoseVA TikTok: kittyhatemachineVA IMDB: Youtube: M. K. Hewitt as Mystique and Jean Grey Website: MildhotSauce as the Judge Troyjk as the Lawyer Koffee as Nightcrawler Ronda Warren as Penance Joseph Bozlinski as Charles Xavier Twitter: Youtube: Grace Trombs as Omega Sentinel, Security and Esme Cuckoo Twitter: CCC: Missy as Husk CCC: Cristina Amendola as Sophie Cuckoo Website: