Gustave: Truth Behind the Killer
Heres the Indepth video about Gustave, the Killer Nile Crocodile of Burundi. Here we examine the facts, myths, and lies surrounding this crocodile. Reports of him attacking people date back to 1987, but it was when Patrice Fate saw Gustave that what we know about him today came to light. Link to Crocodile book: Donate to the CrocAttack Data Base: Book Description: Crocodilians are one of the most interesting, yet misunderstood predators on this planet. Much about what we know surrounding crocodilians is rooted in a history that is full of false information. Subjects such as enormous crocodilians, the history of alligators living in sewers, and their evolution are usually answered with faulty facts. In addition, there is still much we dont understand about these animals, such as their taxonomy, biology, behavior, and more. Did you know crocodilians show signs of regeneration, whats