June 8 2022 Does U. S. Space Force Have Secret Vehicles Reaching Other Stars
TOPICS: Does U. S. Space Force Have Secret Vehicles Reaching Other Stars Unites States Space Force has multiple deep space vehicles USS Curtis LeMay USS Hoyt Vandenberg, tip of the spear USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter Several ships have multicountry crews Tall whites tech in USS Hoyt Vandenberg, and USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter Ships use DQTP Deep Quantum Tunneling Protocol Tall Whites live on 82 G Eridani 3 competing ET civilizations fighting over earth for 270 million years Sirius B look like Nordic blonds Little grey, AI programmed life forms PLFs, designed for temporal space travel Tall Ancient greys travel through space UPCOMING EVENTS: Making Contact: New Realities of Disclosure Cosmic Awakening 5 Part Series on Disclosure The ET Contact Movement