Anne Marie on struggling with mental health and her new album Therapy
From the outside looking in, AnneMarie seemed to have everything going for her. Shed launched a hugely successful solo career off the back of her time with drum and bass giants Rudimental, and become one of the countrys hottest pop properties with a platinumselling debut album and a string of Top 10 singles. She was a style icon, the epitome of effortless cool and had some of the biggest names in music queueing up to work with her. She should have been living the dream, but behind the scenes she was falling apart. Cripplingly low selfesteem and an extreme discomfort with life in the spotlight had left her in a state of deep unhappiness. Life had become so intolerable that she was ready to quit music for good. Read more about AnneMarie here: Subscribe to never miss an upload: READ at Fabulous: LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Twitter: