Sorting algorithms visualized
18 sorting algorithms visualized in a circular diagram. I just fell in love with this sorting algorithms visualization that I found on github and felt an urge to share it. There is also sound in case you ve ever wondered what different sorting algorithms sounds like. 1. Selection Sort 2. Bubble Sort 3. Insertion Sort 4. Cocktail Shaker Sort 5. Shell Sort 6. Merge Sort 7. Merge Sort InPlace 8. Merge+Insertion Sort (Mul 4) 9. Max Heap Sort 10. Quick Sort 11. Counting Sort 12. Time+Insertion Sort 13. Gravity Sort 14. Radix LSD Sort (Base 4) 15. Radix MSD Sort (Base 4) 16. Binary Quicksort 17. Radix LSD InPlace Sort (Base 2) 18. Radix LSD InPlace Sort (Base 10) What is your favorite sorting algorithm Let me know in the comments Java code is from w0rthy on github: