Shona Mooney Amy Leach The Bow River
Текст с Bandcamp а: The Director of Customer Services for the Banff Arts and Creativity Centre, Jim Olver, has been living in Banff for over 35 years. He very kindly spent some time with us discussing the Bow River which runs through Banff, Alberta, Canada. We felt it would be interesting to musically get to know and understand the Bow River through Jim s experience by listening to what it means to him. We began exploring different vocal patterns in Jim s speech noticing the rise and falls. We tried to find these on our instruments and they became the musical motifs. We linked these together hoping to gain a deeper understanding the Bow River and portray the Bow River through Jim s perspective. The river always changes. And so it is with this piece. It s never the same twice from Banff to Ancona (EP), released June 3, 2018