Learn Italian The TOP 3 Things We DONT Do In Slow Italian ( March 1, 2018)
, NewsInSlowItalian is a weekly, intermediateItalian podcast designed to help you learn Italian by listening to the news. Full episodes are available at: This is the, NewsInSlowItalian free story of the week for March 1, 2018 China abolishes presidential term limits for Xi Jinping. You know that we slow down to enhance your Italian listening You also know that we focus on timely and interesting news stories to immerse you in the experience of But what are some of the things we don t do Today we tell you the TOP 3 things we don t do to, learnItalian. You ll see that we think a little differently about, languageLearning. You can, learnItalian by listening to a weekly podcast that features news stories and conversations, hosted by native speakers that, speakItalian slowly. For more, NewsInSlowItalian, including the full episode sampled here, go to: