Chest Pain
Support channel: 5599005053363763 Mastercard A ASTVATSATRYAN or YooMoney 410013784474520 Chest pain is a very common complaint. Many patients are well aware that it is a warning of potential lifethreatening disorders and seek evaluation for minimal symptoms. Other patients, including many with serious disease, minimize or ignore its warnings. Pain perception (both character and severity) varies greatly between individuals as well as between men and women. However described, chest pain should never be dismissed without an explanation of its cause. In these topic Pathophysiology, Etiology, Evaluation, Treatment, Geriatrics Essentials and Key Points of Chest Pain are discussed. ,chestpain, angina, cardiology Professor Armen Astvatsatryan, MD, PhD, ScD, FESC. First Dean and Founder of Faculty of Public Health of European Regional Educational Academy (now University). One of 100 of the International Biographical Centers (Cambridge, England) Top Health Professionals 2007.