Robert Plant the Priory of Brion live Gloria Cropredy 2000
Robert Plant (with his band at the time the Priory of Brion ) playing at the Fairport Convention festival at Cropredy, Nr Banbury, UK and performing the Van Morrison song G L O R I A in a very original arrangement too. I filmed this on what was probably the best camcorder I could get at the time, a Hi8 with decent stereo mics (for camcorders at the time ), although the lower end didn t pick up too well, sorry It s a bit wobbly zooming in, got knocked about a bit but the crowd being near to the front (although the Cropredy crowd are a pretty polite lot ). So it s not some great filming masterpiece but hopefully a recording of a rare performance of Robert and this line up that will interest and give enjoyment to a few fans. .. I hope The intro and outro music is there to make some noise over the credits, which I placed away from the main footage so it didn t block it and it s also a shameless plug for my Cornwall, Devon based Art Rock band, Littermouth, who I hope you think has a little bit of