DIVA, EVERYBODY MAD by BEYONCE performed by Les Melanin Queens ( Homecoming Coachella)
DIVA. An anthem. A moment. A pause. Brought to you by mrssandrab and lesmelaninqueens Please like, share and save I wanted to create something BOLD. We pushed our own creativity to get out of our comfort zone and be DARING. We hope you enjoy our own version of Sandrachella Sandra A special thank you to the talented and wonderful Queens that made this vision come to life aweniladyglam nawmirose jannalglmt andydlamini askiki yourgurlo mrsdeewin Choreography: mrssandrab, awenieladyglam Everybody Mad jaquelknight : Bigmax237, Itvisuelsprod for the drone Cedricazerot Editors: grmaxofficiel, bigmax237, mrssandrab, awenieladyglam Duos Trios: aweniladyglam, jannalglmt, andydlamini, askiki Movement