Opus Deis Sex Abuse Crisis Theyd Rather We All Forgot About It, Opus Dei Deep Dive
This video is a representation of MY OPINION, based off of the research I have conducted and the individuals I have talked to. This deep dive series originally lived on my main channel, but in an effort to streamline my content, I have moved it here, where all future deep dive content will be hosted. This is such a heavy topic, but one I feel is vitally important to talk about. If you, or someone you know if being abused, click the link for a directory of international helpline numbers: Resources: Manuel Cociña Sex Abuse Case Shut Up, Pray, and Dont Worry Opus Deis Solution to Clerical Sex Abuse: Abuse victim of Opus Dei priest wants case to be acknowledged: OPUS DEI OVERSHADOWED BY RECENT SEX ABUSE SCANDALS: