Nu Metal, Alternative Metal Compilation France ( Vol. 2)
I do not own these songs, all rights belong to the bands and their labels. I uploaded the video only for fun and sharing music. 0:00 Vegastar Une Nuit 2:54 GHB Tuez Les Tous (feat. DJ Q) 6:49 Watcha I. A. 11:23 Tizers Section Fracass 15:27 Wünjo La Vengeance Du Fils 18:53 fis(ch)er Les Liens Du Temps 23:06 3h 2m 1s Le dernier Jour 26:24 Akentra New Game 30:16 Maldaurore Sometimes 33:38 MINE Elevate 37:36 The Cube How It Hurts 41:15 The Wiggar Overdose The Wig