Build and Deploy a Modern 14 Application, React, Next JS 14, Type Script, Tailwind CSS Part 2
Ultimate Next 14 Course is now live: The demand for 14 applications peaked Now is the perfect time to build a stateoftheart modern application that utilizes all of the latest and greatest of what Next 14 has to offer, leveraging features such as serverside rendering and the app router. Quick heads up: This tutorial covers 13, but don t let that number fool you. 14 is essentially a performancefocused update of version 13. That means every concept, technique, and feature we dive into here is just as applicable and relevant in 14 Land your dream job with expert mentor guidance or get your money back. To find out more, apply here: RapidAPI: . .., LJavaScriptMastery, javascript, javascriptmastery, jsmastery, masterjavascript , React 20230609 pUNSHPyVryU