Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: I m Watching People DIE
Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: Im Watching People DIE Mark Bishofsky is a former Lead Respiratory Therapist. In other words, hes literally the guy who runs the ventilators in the hospital. But we say former because Mark is stepping away from his job. He says that instead of helping people, hes seeing them die from improper treatment. They arent dying because hospitals are full and doctors cant care for them. In fact, there are plenty of empty beds. No, Mark says people are dying because doctors insist on using deadly treatments that dont work. He says hes seen people die whom he knows would live if they simply werent sedated and then intubated. But while Mark wants to step away, hes also getting a nudge out the door. He was just escorted out of the hospital he worked at, and he says he was never given an explanation about what he did. He suspects its simply that doctors overheard him talking about myocarditis and Ivermectin, and so he had to go. source: