IFSCL 43 X Trailer ( Code Lyoko)
Discover my work: , Discuss: Changelog: Please enjoy this trailer to my most ambitious chapter yet If it was originally meant to be short, but it got a big bigger than Not as long as a chapter, but This cycle should also finally introduce you to the (experimental) save feature which bounced back and forth between releases. Added to that are, of course, fixes, various improvements, more of Cinemorphique s If you watched previous trailers, and played Immu s Rooms you ll probably realized lot of them were kinda hinting to this Done with the support of my awesome patrons Aichi Aliona D. G. Anthony ArionSherwind 78 Astrolys Ava Azcray Azuro BemusedHorseman Ben Duncan Chris Webert Christopher Goberdhan CNC Corbin Corniflex CursedLight DarkGuillaume Davcrox Everything Pianolla Farscape1 Freezie Gabouille Gamesamsh Productions