LOST SOCIETY No Absolution ( Live from Bloodstock 2022)
INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM LOST SOCIETY Watch LOST SOCIETY demolish the Bloodstockfestivals main stage with No Absolution WATCH FULL BLOODSTOCK SHOW HERE: Catch LxSx live this year: UK Southampton, Joiners UK Bristol, Exchange UK Wolverhampton, KK s Steel Mill UK Leeds, The Key Club UK Glasgow, Cathouse UK Newcastle, Northumbria University UK Manchester, Rebellion UK London, The Underworld w, Amorphis, Solstafir CH Zürich, Komplex 457 DE Köln, Carlswerk Victoria DE Geiselwind, Music Hall NL Utrecht, Tivoli AT Wörgl, Komma Vz HR Zagreb, Boogaloo Club MK Skopje, Ycc GR Thessaloniki, Principal GR Athens, Fuzz Club BG Sofia, Pirotska 5 RO Bucharest, Arenele Romane RO ClujNapoca, Form Space SK Kosice, Collosseum SK Bratislava, Mmc AT Linz, Posthof CZ Zlin, M. O. R Cafè PL Gdansk, B90 PL Kraków, Kamienna12 DE Dresden, Stromwerk DE Wangels, Metal Hammer Paradise DE Hannover, Capitol John Smith Frozen, Jyväskylä Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki Pakkahuone, Tampere Tickets and further information: Find LOST SOCIETY online: