Marriage Law
скаченно с ютуба, кстати оочень милый клип на заежанную тему СС, ГГ The story begins with the message from the ministry, Voldemort has taken over the ministry and wants to find all the muggleborns and halfbloods. So he stated a marriage law, to protect hermione and Snape they will have to marry with each other, this way Hermione doesn t have to marry a deatheater and Snape s dubble spy position will stay. After a few months the final Battle starts. Hermione is captured but saved by Snape and hermione on her side tries to save Snape. Just when she sees voldemort is trying to attack her husband and she tries to warn him, harry takes his turn and kills Voldermort. After 10 years Severus Snape his life is complete he is blessed with a wonderful wife, and three children. His life couldn t get any better