Steve Berra Vs. Billy Marks: Unsanctioned Battle
We interrupt your regularly scheduled BATB 12 matches to bring you a very special 2010 Unsanctioned Event. What is an unsanctioned battle, you ask Have you ever seen the 1988 film Bloodsport It s like that, but with more kicking. In this battle between Steve Berra and Billy Marksa takenoprisoners affair full of shittalking and bad boy bravadowe find out what it s really like to live life on the fringes, outside of what society calls a But the most important thing to remember is: Berra lost ten pounds for this match. Subscribe to The Berrics: Daily Videos and More: Shop The Canteen Like The Berrics on Facebook: Follow The Berrics on Instagram: Follow The Berrics on TikTok: Follow The Berrics on Twitter: , Berrics, TheBer