Isle Of Man (1959)
Isle of Man. L, S of huge palm trees with water in the background tropical island setting. C, U low angle shot of the top of a palm tree. L, S of the tropical island setting. Cut to completely opposite scene cliffs, beach, green hills and a row of little white cottages. This is not a tropical island this is the Isle of Man L, S of sheep in the field, green hills in background. C, U shot of the head of four horned ram ( ). Ram runs off after being inspected. Nice panning shot of a creek leading to a lovely stone bridge covered in ivy (or some other leaves). According to the legend this bridge is presided over by the Fairies. Cut to a country house with opened doors. An elderly woman walks out carrying a plate and a bowl. She places them outside food and drinks for the little people. Legend says that little folk live on the island and locals believe in it. They feed them and leave their old cottages for little folk to make use of. Someone could buy and redecorate some of the abandoned cottages ve