Giant Sink Hole
This Giant sink hole opened up in Delhi Oklahoma (Western Oklahoma). The hole opened up right after the state experienced a record breaking Earthquake 5. 6m on the richter. The local geologist says its not related, could have been a mine. There is no mine under this field. The local geologist seems to be a questionable source. Please leave a comment if you feel like. I am always interested to hear what is going on around the planet. Гигантская дыра в земле да Riesen Loch in der Erde ja グラウンドに巨大な穴はい Gran agujero en el suelo sí 巨洞在地上沒錯 Trou géant dans le sol oui Buraco gigante no chão sim หลมยกษในสนาม ใช Jazz and Barry Timb