Encounters with the Seraphim: A Message for the Future of Humanity (+ Transverberatory Journey)
Originally this film was going to be a part of Samadhi Part 3, but it grew into its own separate creation. I feel it represents something very important that is seldom spoken of in some spiritual traditions (the topic is almost taboo). It is based around insights that came during a peak meditation experience when I encountered beings that identified themselves as the Seraphim. Yes, the Seraphim are considered to be angels, but for me were nothing like the humans with wings depicted in the Bible, but a field of conscious energy which has the singular purpose of helping our soul to complete its evolutionary journey. In this film I report on the experience and give some insights that came to me. Such phenomena may sometimes be dismissed or negated due to preconceptions or biases within the limited egoic self, or on the flip side they may be given too much emphasis and become entrapments for the ego as it creates an identity around them. The film explores the relationship betwe