JAPAN One passanger train いい話 1人の乗客のために駅を維持
Japanese Train Stops at Remote Station Twice a Day For Only One Passenger. Kana Harada is the only person to board the special train at 7:04 am and return in the evening at 5:08 pm This is one of those stories that will fill your heart with joy and leave you smiling. KamiShirataki, a remote train station in Hokkaido, Japan that was meant to close down three years ago, has stayed active to cater to one lone passenger. A train makes stops at the station twice each day just so a teen can travel to and from high school. According to reports, Kana Harada, who is among the 40odd residents of the village of Shirataki, is the only person to board the special train at 7:04 am and return in the evening at 5:08 pm sharp. Even though the train station was meant to shut down, Japan Railways decided to continue services just for Kana. According to the CCTV Facebook page, the station has a unique timetable keeping Kana s travel details in mind. The station will continue the special service until March 26, Kana s grad