On the Border is one of those tunes that always had just a special magic quality for me and always brought images of our Mexican neighbors to was inspired to create my vision of On The Border by my sisters recent cruise to Cozumel and Calica. The first four photos were made by her. I love the art, the architecture and music of to mention a reaL taco and all the flavors and aromas of the Mexican like it hot Awe, to watch and hear the beautiful flamenco The afternoon of the morning On The Border was am very happy that I was given a place to express my 3:29 minutes vision for just wish I had had said gracias mi amigas and learn that from Paula curumina and Randy ElRandy11 and another special friend AlbertValenzuela and his beautiful family of gracias, the one and only Beto I, remain forever in awe of the Mayan and Aztec culture. One, o