Missing Interview: Nia Long Applauds Storm Reid, and Reids Mom
The Searching followup film, Missing, flips the original concept. WhereasSearching saw John Chos character looking for his missing daughter using the tools available to him on his computer, Missing has Storm Reids June trying to track down her mother, Grace played by Nia Long. In the latest screen thriller from producing trio Aneesh Chaganty (director of Searching), Natalie Qasabian, and Sev Ohanian, Reids June is a typical teenager who doesnt appreciate her mother always checking in and often leaves text messages unanswered. June experiences that digital radio silence herself when Grace takes a trip to Colombia with her new boyfriend and never returns. June tries to use the proper channels for help, but when an abundance of international red tape becomes a detrimental roadblock, June takes matters into her own hands and turns to everyday apps, websites, and other online resources to figure out what happened to her mother. With Missing hitting theaters nationwide on January 20th, I got the