Toilets on a Pirate Ship(and the sorry guy who cleaned
Join our discord: Hand over them doubloons: Fork it over: Pirates haven t exactly been remembered for their good hygiene. Usually we think of them as smelly, dirty, unshaved brutes. And that image isn t entirely undeserved. Sailors were not known for their cleanliness. As the days and weeks went by, dirt, sweat and grime would congeal and turn their skins almost black. Some might have a wash every third day, and that was limited to just dunking yourself with a bucket of seawater, in which soap was useless. Modern sources: The Sea Rover s Practice Benerson Little A Pirate Of Exquisite Mind Diana and Michael Preston Period sources: Seaman s Grammar and Dictionary Cpt. John Smith A New Voyage Round the World William Dampier(based) Image sources By Peter Isotalo Own work, CC BYSA 3. 0, By Clipper Own work, CC BY 2. 5, By Ciacho5 Own work, CC BYSA 3. 0, , pirates, history, ships