Hey there, guys I can t believe I actually found this longlost project To explain here, I started making this video around the middle of year 2011. I had nearly no inspiration for it, I used it more as a way to vent my emotions. Everytime someone, something pissed me off, I completed another little part. When I got over 1 min, I lost this well, I did not, I was just cleaning my computer and you know how that I have found it 23 days ago while searching for something completely different and felt like I need to finally finish it. I really like this video. I think it s more of a tool of my selfexpression than any amv I have ever made (that doesn t mean any fuck you is adressed to you, people, I have just had a couple of rough so this is my escape from it all). I think it s pretty original, haha. Halfway through I didn t know whether to laugh about Sasuke or feel sorry for that little boy. Anyway, hope you, 39