All Brigids Dialogues TRANSLATED Assassins Creed Valhalla
Yes We are actually bringing you the translation of Brigid s dialogues from Assassin s Creed Valhalla s main game For those of you who might not remember, Brigid was the AngloSaxon woman that Gunnar the Blacksmith married at the end of Assassins Creed Valhalla who spoke with a heavy combination of Welsh and Old English dialogues and that most of the characters, Eivor included, werent really able to understand. In the video we are going to show you the translations to all the lines by Brigid that we were able to find, even the various dialogue choices, ranging from Brigids dialogues from the Glowecestrescire arc of the main game, to the very romantic wedding with Gunnar, which youll finally be able to witness in its full extent, and even some lines taking place in Ravensthorpe after the wedding This video was edited by our longtime friend Azuu, who has been helping us quite a lot recently with a number of pieces of content over at Access The Animus We can t wait to see what s in