Rejoice, Be Glad, Beatitudes, Adam Tice Kate Williams, Choir and Piano w, Lyrics, Catholic Hymn
Rejoice, Be Glad is a beautiful musical setting of the Beatitudes, that s on it s way to becoming a standard in Parishes around the world. The text of this wonderful hymn was written by Adam Tice and set to music by Kate Williams. Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless Song Title: Rejoice, Be Glad Artist(s): Text by Adam M. L. Tice, Tune by Kate Williams Publisher: 2021 GIA Publications, Inc. Where to Purchase Music: Photo Video Credits Thank you to Motion Worship for their beautiful backgrounds. Check out their amazing digital resources for all your Parish s multimedia needs , catholic , jesus , god , hymn , catholicchurch , beatitudes , catholicism , sermononthemount , blessed , god , christianity Thanks for watching the video Rejoice, Be Glad, Beatitudes, Adam Tice Kate Williams, Choir and Piano w, Lyrics, Catholic Hymn