Net zero, energy security and Japans role in the Pacific, Professor Kazuo Matsushita
A discussion with Emeritus Professor Kazuo Matsushita, and Todas Kevin Clements and Volker Boege. They discuss the interlinkages between the triple global crises of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, and calls for a social shift to nonfossil fuel civilization. They talk in detail about the vision for a zero carbon Japan; what that means on personal, regulatory and policy levels; and the position of the Japanese government. 00:00 Introduction 06:15 Triple global crises: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss 07:27 Nonfossil fuel civilization 10:25 The vision for a zero carbon Japan 16:07 The position of the Japanese government on carbon neutrality; the GX green transformation basic policy, and the GX promotion bill 24:11 The position of business in Japan 28:13 Energy security guarantees; the impact of COVID19 36:01 Assessing the COP; the forthcoming G7 and COP28 in Japan 40:13 Regional cooperation and PM Kishidas vision for an Asia Zero Emissions Com