Interview with Transfer Factor Expert, Dr. David Vollmer
Dr. David Vollmer, Chief Scientific Officer, 4Life Research answers 8 important questions about transfer factors: 1) How is transfer factor different from other supplements in the market 2) How safe is transfer factor as a supplement for kids and elderly people 3) How can transfer factor help us overcome the many heath challenges we face today 4) Why have we heard so little about transfer factor compared to vitamins, minerals and herbs 5) There are transfer factors extracted from blood and transfer factors extracted from the cow colostrum. Are these two transfer factors the same 6) Are the results of transfer factors that are injected into human beings and transfer factors that are consumed orally the same 7) Where do you see transfer factor will be in the next 10 to 20 years from now 8) What advice would you give our viewers on how to keep their immune system happy.