Wristlock warmup with a stick
Song is Right In The Night (Starry Night remix) James Ash Using the Hanbo to stretch the wrists. Great warmup and helps you find the technique as well. KoKoDo Goshin Jutsu and JuJutsu A great way to keep active at home during the Covid19. A few solo and partner drills that can be done at home to help keep the jiujitsu and Goshin mind set going. Im not an FMA teacher but just brushing off the dust with a few drills If you like what we do and wish to support us please head over to our page KoKoDo jujutsu is a modern gendai Budo from Omiya Japan founded by Soke Irie Yasuhiro. He was the formal head instructor of Hakkoryu Jujutsu Hombu Dojo for over 20 years