DAUGHTERS Live In The K Pit ( Tiny Dive Bar Show) REUPLOAD
Daughters Archive: THIS IS A REUPLOAD. Original viewcount: 427, 269 Original upload date: Apri; 4, 2019 Original video description: We had noise rock lunatics Daughters take over the back room at The Gutter, our favorite Brooklyn dive bar. More like an oldworld religious service than a rock concert, the Daughters K Pit has to be seen to be believed. Between leaping into the crowd, breaking lights, riding the audience members like horses, and smashing the mic into his forehead until he drew blood, frontman Alexis S. F. Marshall spewed dissonant and eldritch lyrics about hope, death, madness, humanity, and what it means to be a creature made of meat in a world that hates you. The result will be beautiful to some and unsettling to others, but exciting and impossible to look away from for everyone. Love rock Subscribe to Kerrang SETLIST The Reason They