Establishing A Vigil Mechanism, Whistleblower Policy, Ethical Way of Working, Mahindra Group
Committed to the highest standards of business ethics, our vigil mechanism allows all stakeholders to report any instance of unethical behaviour. Enabling us to operate in a fair and transparent manner. Mahindra Group is committed to conducting its business in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, highest standards of business ethics, honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct. The Whistleblower Policy and an Ethics Helpline (by a Third Party Helpline provider ) provides a mechanism to all stakeholders, including individual employees and their representative bodies, to report to Management instances of unethical behaviour, actual or suspected, fraud or violation of the Company s Codes or CG Policies. Watch this video to see how the whistleblower policy has been implemented across Mahindra Group with a zerotolerance approach to wrongdoings and safeguarding the rights of the informant. , MahindraGroup, MahindraRise, RiseForGood, businessethics