Did Most Powerful Explosion Ever Seen Violate Einsteins Relativity
Get a Wonderful Person Tee: More cool designs are on Amazon: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an intriguing analysis that used the most powerful explosion we ve ever seen to analyze Einsteinian theories Links: Previous videos: 0:00 Do Einsteinian principles hold at high velocities 1:00 Lorentz and space time 2:10 Speed of light invariance 3:10 Quantum gravity ideas 4:35 LHAASO detections of gamma rays 6:20 Propositions from quantum gravity 7:20 New study and the results 7:40 Surprisi. .., AntonPetrov, lorentzinvariance, grb, gammarayburst, brightestgrb, mostpowerfulexplosion, antonpetrov, science, physics, astrophysics 20240908 DoFwVrMmkc0