Guano Apes Open Your Eyes Bass Cover Kade Turner
Kade Turner from Melbourne, Australia I write blogs for all my videos linked through my website These explain the process and story behind each video. They contain other information on my tones, and my approach to creating this channel. Guano Apes What A Killer Group This cover stemmed purely from being a little grom in Traralgon, (my small country town of birth), where I borrowed the 2000 Release of Crusty Demons Of Dirt on VHS. As soon as I heard this track over the Australian scene I was hooked. I m using my 2018 MusicMan Stingray. I love this track, I love Sandra Nasic and her vocal work. Such a great groove, and such a bloody enjoyable cover to work on. Bass recorded by Dylan Mitrovich Mixed and mastered by Kade and Dylan Foota