Morning Fitness Routine Pilates Inspired, Stretch, My Light Ab Butt Workout, Sanne Vloet
My Morning Body Maintenance + NO EQUIPMENT Fitness Routine Pilates Inspired, How I Stretch Warm Up My Body, Light NonIntense AB BUTT Workout, The Routine I Use When I Am Traveling For Modeling, Time Saver, Sanne Vloet Hey guys, Let s take a deep breath to start the day I ve said this before, but I ve fallen in love with yoga this summer It s now a part of my morning routine right after I drink my glass of water and before I have my first healthy meal of the day. Wellness and health are defined by more than just what you put into your body, but also how you maintain, love, and cherish your body. Has anyone heard Marie Kondo talk about how you should appreciate your possessions If you haven t, Marie speaks about gratitude appreciating everything you have. I ve started to do this with my body, I start everyday by waking up and giving my body the proper love it deserves. If you feel like your body could use some more love then make it a