How Do Solar Panels Work ( Physics of Solar Cells)
People say that solar power is the future of renewable energy, but how do solar panels work anyway Join us as we explore the world of semiconductors using chemistry. VIDEO ANNOTATIONS, CARDS Does Electricity REALLY Flow What the HECK is Energy Why Are Some Things Transparent What is Electric Charge You Do NOT Charge A Battery RELATED YOUTUBE VIDEOS Crash Course on Semiconductors: Hot Mess on Solar Power: The Good Stuff on Solar Power: Veritasium on Transistors: SUPPORT THE SCIENCE ASYLUM Patreon: Advanced Theoretical Physics (eBook): Merchandise: HUGE THANK YOU TO THESE PATRONS Daniel Bahr, Kenny Holmes, Ilya Yashin, Morgan Williams, Rick Finn, Drake Dragon (TMDrake), Anamnesia, Kevin MacLean, Timothy Blahout, vittorio monaco, Al Davis, Stephen Blinn, Mikayla Eckel Cifrese, David Bronakowski, Evgeny Ivanov OTHER SOURCES LINKS TO COMMENTS Video on Semiconductors What Direction is Current IMAGE CREDITS Inverter: Solar Arrays: Bob Ross: , RenewableEnergy, SolarPower, SolarPanels