THE FAME Skin Care HOW Atomy has renewed its 6pack skin care system as Atomy Skin Care System The Fame. The beginning of a new legend that goes beyond the achievements of the last 10 years and will last 100 years. Among the plants and new substances that have been used for many years and have survived until today (Caterpillar Mushroom, Sang Hwang Mushroom, Bifida Ferment, Lysate, Apple Juice, Green Tea Juice, Basil, Chamomile, Sophora, Fennel, Lavender, Rosemary), only those whose effects have been proven with modern technology. We used the ones. We are pleased to share with you a brand that has received an EXCELLENT Rating from the reliable German Skin Institute DermaTest, which prides itself on its strict principles and strict stages. , Atomy, AtomyTheFameSkinCareSet, AtomyTheFameSkinCareSetHowTo, AtomyTheFameHowTo